Tech Writer This Week for March 14, 2015

donutsIt’s time to lodge a protest. While thousands of geeks and wannabe geeks celebrate Interational Pi Day, who’s looking out for the interests of donuts? The much maligned jelly varieties, with toppings or without, and their kindred donut holes… all hunkering in the shadowed corners of social respectability for no other reason than their calorie count.

We at TechWhirl are equal opportunity confection consumers, regarding pie, cake, donuts and cookies as equal in the eyes of the law and gastronomers everywhere. Nothing says “content developer” like a Bavarian cream piece of perfection and a mug of java… Actually nothing says “deadline approaching” like this particular combination, but you get what we mean.

While you may argue whether Dunkin’ or Krispy represents the gold standard for donuts, think about the communications, content, and technology standards that you need to stay on top of… and vote in our current poll. That will give us a leg up in choosing which to cover in the coming months.

In between munching out on a slice of apple pie heaven while contemplating unknowable numbers, and listening for that familiar whooshing sound while enjoying an almond-toasted bear claw, we managed to uncover quite of bit of reading on communications, content strategy and customer experience (and even a few conference notes) that’s worthy of lingering over with a demitasse and a pastry:

While you’re on your next coffee and donut break, take a look at the rest of this week’s edition of Tech Writer This Week.

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