Tech Writer This Week for March 27, 2014

Cross that bridge?

Cross that bridge?

In this edition of Tech Writer This Week, we’re thinking about those huge agonizing decisions one needs to make each day, week, year; lifetime and how often the largest and smallest decisions of each day can help guide our life course.

Do we call ourselves Information Designer, Engineer or Tech Writer? How should we vote in this election? Education now, work later or the opposite? Should we go to this meeting and network or just stay at home and watch TV tonight?

Our hope is that some of the articles we unearth each week can help with a few of these career decisions or at least provide food for thought the next time a large bridge needs crossing. What major decisions are you facing this week / month / year and how are you approaching them? {let us know in the discussions}

A few of this week’s best for your reading pleasure:

The world’s greatest collection of technical communication and customer experience articles are just a click away in this edition of Tech Writer This Week.

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