Tech Writer This Week for December 11, 2014

Party Hat
How often do you stand out from the crowd? or fade into the woodwork? We pondered the hows and whens of grabbing attention attention as we pulled together the week’s worth of content from TechWhirl, and interesting, thought-provoking content from tech comm, content strategy and customer experience luminaries around the web.  Standing out is important when trying to locate your car in the mall parking lot, or working you way to the top of the list of candidates for a new project or role. Not so much when they ask for volunteers to do guard duty at the Christmas tree lot, or bypassing parental scrutiny for that broken window in the front room. Top of the nice list or buried deep in the naughty list… or maybe vice versa depending on how you define naughty and nice.

While you figure out your standing-out or hiding-out strategies, cruise around TechWhirl to catch up on some cool stuff from LavaCon, add a new book to your personal/professional library, or vote in our new poll on picking out the standouts who will fit into your team. Then check out our finds from the rest of the web, like:

Hats off for more outstanding content in this edition of Tech Writer This Week

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