Tech Writer This Week for February 20, 2015


If you don’t feel as though you have the world on a string, fear not… neither do the rest of us. Granted, we’re not suffering the woes of Atlas, but sometimes the level of activity makes even a short break seem like an impossible dream, much less an actual vacation. Those lovable deadlines keep whooshing by in a Douglas-Adamsy sort of way. We whoosh along with them, relying on a cadre of exceptional folks in our Special Writers Unit (you too can be exceptional cadre material), and the good graces of the tech comm, content strategy and customer experience thought leaders.

While we promote our potential conference sessions (vote for our integrated content planning and content triangle framework sessions at LavaCon 2015, you won’t regret it), pull together templates and how-tos, and observe the numerous conversations on the techwhirl discussion list, we managed to find a few minutes to scour the internet world and bring you some very interesting, compelling pieces that you can tuck under your arm and contemplate at your leisure. which we sincerely hope you have some of, so you can enjoy pieces like:

Whether the world is your oyster or your handbag, please take the time to check out this week’s edition of Tech Writer This Week.

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