DITA: “Crossing the Chasm” Webinars Scheduled

Dr. JoAnn Hackos, president of Comtech Services, will present a free three-part webinar series on DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture) entitled “Crossing the Chasm,”  beginning Thursday, January 19, 2012. Data Conversion Laboratory (DCL), a leading provider of digital publishing services is partnering  Comtech Services, Inc, a content-management and information-design firm, to present the series, which covers DITA implementation from start to finish.

The series presents a narrative of the first eight years since approval of the OASIS DITA standard, by covering the initial learning process and then moving through a pilot project, where technical communicators and content specialists acquire tools and convert legacy content. It concludes with a look at how content management in the enterprise is changing through  innovations to content structuring, optimization, delivery and management.  Read the entire news release, or register for the webinar series.

Rich S

13 years ago

Is this Crossing the Chasm Webinar tying into the same material covered in the book Crossing the Chasm by Geoffrey Moore? Thanks!

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