The Power of Social Sharing at ICC 2014

I always find a lot of value in attending conferences. I get to spend time learning from likeminded professionals, connect with old friends and new ones, figure out better ways to apply concepts I thought I’d already mastered, and stay up for practically 120 hours straight.

At Intelligent Content Conference 2014, I found myself glued to the clever Twitter posts with links to related content that so many attendees and presenters were sharing.

Here’s a collection of the fun in photos and videos, plus links to others’ posts that reiterate the connections we all made with the material and each other.


Tom Johnson (I’d Rather Be Writing) interviewed 10 presenters about their topics and shared their insights – Videos plus additional insight are in his blog post.

Scott Abel (The Content Wrangler) – Of course, no compilation would be complete without the prank video with Mr. Doubletalk and a group of unsuspecting presenters and vendors.


Buddy Scalera ( & Ogilvy CommonHealth) has a great Flikr page going (scroll down the page a bit because he’s got more peeps on there) for content marketing, and you can even post your own event photos to the page.

Charlie Southwell (@charliesaidthat) drew visual representations of concepts the presenters shared and then posted to his Twitter media page. Watching the images pop up in the #ICC2014 Twitter feed added some cool variety from the standard text updates.

Conference Insights and Session Summaries

Val Swisher (Content Rules, Inc.) wrote about the ways in which this year’s ICC conference is one of the very best she’s attended.

Andrew Nhem’s ( shared a nice writeup of Joe Pulizzi’s keynote.

Jim Burns (Avitage) shared great insights from a content marketer’s perspective.

Laura Creekmore (Creek Content) shared a link to helpful additional reading on content structure: The Battle for the Body Field by Jeff Eaton.

Don Day (Contelligence Group) included links to a couple checklists for creating valuable content and why/how to create infographics.

Links to Other Content Goodness Shared Throughout the Conference

Angela Browne (@BrowneAngela) shared a link to Content Without Strategy is Just Stuff – A deeper dive into Joe Pulizzi’s explanation of how easy it is to put content “stuff” out there and ways to strategize (plus a George Carlin video about stuff).

Toni Mantych ‏(@tcmpdx) shared a link to Humalogy: The Perfect Blending of Humanity and Technology to Optimize Performance – The definition of humalogy: “The perfect blending of humanity and technology to optimize potential. Melding the head (information processing power) and the heart (human/spiritual connection). The efficient use of machines, and the sensitive understanding of emotions.” This blending of humanity and technology was echoed often throughout the conference, including Barry Slaughter Olsen’s keynote.

Carlos Abler (3M) tweeted out a link to another conference that brings an assortment of folks together, including creative coders, data designers and artists. This Eyeo Festival looks pretty cool!

Presenters’ Slides

You can check out all of the presenters’ slides at the Intelligent Content Conference SlideShare site. If you don’t see slides you’re looking for, be sure to check again soon. They’ll keep adding slide decks as they come in.

This is just a small sampling of the great material that was shared during and after the ICC 2014 conference. Please share any stellar content that I missed in the comments area.


The #ICC2014 Tweet Gallery






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