Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA), first introduced by IBM in 2001, is an XML data model that is designed to support a more structured approach to authoring and publishing content. DITA uses hierarchy and specialization, (the Darwin part of DITA), categorization of information (Information Typing) in a coherent structure (Architecture) that enables consistency and efficiency throughout the entire content lifecycle. While DITA began as an approach to manage large quantities of technical content, it continues to evolve to support other areas of the organization, including marketing, compliance and training.
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Business communicators and content managers today deal with a vast array of challenges arising from the flood of content that customers demand and that senior management expects to be efficiently managed. Moving to the DITA approach means rethinking the writing process, and the processes used to get content to the audiences that want to consume it. We invite you to explore this portal and learn more about DITA, emerging specializations, best practices, and the tools available to migrate to a DITA environment and to manage DITA-based content.