Tech Writer This Week for August 21, 2014

Leaving on a ...

Leaving on a …

In this edition of Tech Writer This Week, we’re thinking about the the modern miracle of air travel and the modern miracle of public calendars. And, if one isn’t consulted, a ton of people have to travel thousands of miles in a period 10 days if they’re unlucky enough to live on the opposite coast (which has a majority of the population). We’re not bitter but we may be living under a bridge soon if some folks doesn’t start consulting a calendar.

It is a busy time around here thanks to the CERAs, the start of our eLearning portal (not live, just publishing) and some additional help-fund-the-publishing non-publishing work. But, faithful reader-s, never fear, we’ve had time to find the best technical communication, content technology and strategy articles on the web and put them in all in one place, for you. To read. During that weather related and never the airline’s fault delay.

Here’s a few to wet your whistle while you’re hoping to get some overhead space:

These articles and a bunch more in this edition of Tech Writer This Week.

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