Tech Writer This Week — Halloween 2013 Edition

Location of upcoming TechWhirl Retreat

Location of upcoming TechWhirl Retreat

TechWhirl’s 3rd Annual Halloween celebration will come to a close later today. We’ll take down the decorations, scrub the floors with a special bleach and remember the great times; and especially the great stories.

Similar to our buying TechWhirl April Fools’ Day celebration in which we take comfort that in this business, with some people everyday is April Fools’ Day, we also feel more settled knowing that somewhere tomorrow someone will do something horrific to their code, their copy or their content. It’s to you longtime professional who didn’t know how to use track changes and also to you certified project manager who seems like the most disorganized person on the team that we dedicate this day, Halloween.

Now that our social commentary is over, it’s time to take a stab at peaking your interest for this week’s edition:

More photos, stories and fun can be found right down this dark hallway.


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