TechWhirl: Technical Communication Recap for March 28, 2014

technical communication recapTechWhirl headed in a number of different directions this week, so depending on what you entered in your personal research/reading GPS, you may have found yourself exploring big data, DITA adoption, tips and tricks for surviving the work world, or a review of Mark Baker’s book, Every Page is Page One. That’s in addition to news and the current poll question on measuring quality in technical content.

Of course if you’re hiking through the email list and community forums, you could easily be distracted by discussions on bars—not the imbibing kind, but navigation aids to Windows and iOS apps. Style also is the topic of much debate on the list, but you don’t have to know the difference between Dolce and Gabbana, Gucci, and Christian Dior to participate.  You can wax poetic over MMoS, Apple, Chicago or AP. Head over to our very own project runway and register for the forum or subscribe to the email list. Don’t forget to check out the archives for a little historical perspective on style, location, and all things tech comm.

Turn left or right in 3.4 miles, and then have a great weekend,

-Connie and the gang at TechWhirl

Cross that bridge?

Cross that bridge?

Tech Writer This Week for March 27, 2014

Helping people cross bridges and find the best community articles on technical communication and customer experience management.

 DITA-Darwin Information Typing Architecture

Phases of DITA Adoption

No matter how enthusiastic you and your team might be, DITA Adoption is not something you can accomplish overnight. DITA adoption is a major investment of time and effort, requiring careful planning and implementation, as well as management support and participation.

 The Help Files

The Help Files: Coping with Office Life and Your Other Life, & Job Hunting

Everyone can use a few tips from time to time on dealing with work issues, general life issues, and the seemingly ever-present need to job hunt. So here’s this month’s collection of fresh and evergreen ideas.


Big Data, eLearning & Tech Comm: Lessons from ICC 2014 and Beyond

To get out of the mindset of measuring the wrong things or nothing at all, it was fortuitous for me to spend time in the Measurement and Analysis track at ICC and learn how modern applications of data and measurement can improve user experiences and build better relationships.


Book Review: Every Page is Page One is One to Add to your TechComm Toolbox

I had high expectations when I picked up my own autographed copy of Mark Baker’s “Every Page Is Page One” at LavaCon 2013. I even picked up a second copy for the local STC chapter to give as a raffle prize at the next program meeting. Then I was asked to review the book for TechWhirl.

 gold standard (image source:

Quality Factors for Technical Content (poll)

In content management and tech comm circles, we talk a great deal about quality–of writing or content creation, and outputs–but we have a hard time defining it, much less measuring it. Customers recognize quality, and a lack of it, and respond with their wallets, so quality matters to the folks in the corner offices.

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