Content Structure

Content Structure and Structured Authoring on TechWhirl

The discipline of structured authoring, or structured writing, evolved out of the particular need to structure and organize complex content for presentation to consumers of that content across various media. This TechWhirl research area provides a cross-section of information that introduces the concepts of content structure and structured writing, as well as tools and best practices for managing and producing content efficiently and effectively.

Articles on Content Structure

Strategic Notes On Migrating Your Content Into a DITA CCMS

Unfortunately you can’t simply push a button and magically migrate everything. Complex factors like content types, formats, locations, and more, present challenges, and opportunities. Develop your content migration strategy with these key notes in mind.

Adobe Launches XML Documentation Add-on for Adobe Experience Manager (News)

Adobe Systems

Adobe enters DITA CCMS space with XML Documentation Add-on for Adobe Experience Manager

The Reuse Algorithm

When you deliberately create content for reuse, you need to place constraints on the content to be reused and the content that reuses it, and that puts you in the realm of structured writing.

Series Navigation

<< The Single Sourcing AlgorithmStructured Writing Algorithms in the Publishing Process >>

[Sponsored Post] Adobe & Larcier Group – Automating Legal and Professional Publishing

Adobe Systems

[Spoonsored Post] Adobe Systems work with Larcier Group to automate legal and professional publishing.

The Documentation Problem: Is Structured Content An Order of Magnitude Improvement?

Where even a few years ago,it was enough to add to a knowledge base or publish to PDF and print, today people expect to consume information on a variety of devices from mobile to desktop.

The Single Sourcing Algorithm

Single sourcing was one of the …

Series Navigation

<< Algorithms in Structured Writing: Processing Structured TextThe Reuse Algorithm >>

Algorithms in Structured Writing: Processing Structured Text

Structured writing involves separating content from formatting, as we move content out of the media domain. But to publish content, we have to get it back into the media domain by reuniting content and formatting.

Series Navigation

<< Algorithms: Separating Content from FormattingThe Single Sourcing Algorithm >>

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With the advent and growth of digital media, technical communication and content management professionals are challenged to find better ways to produce and manage content. They aim use structured writing to produce reusable content more efficiently, reduce duplication and rework, and to support more efficient localization and translation.

Arising out of the development of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) in the late 1990′s, structured writing makes use of consistent rules of syntax, metadata, and markup to group and organize content into information types such as concept, task and reference. Authors who practice structured writing make use of approaches such as topic-based writing and minimalism to support the overall content structure.

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