Job Search Tracker Template

Editors Note: This Job Search Tracker Template is slightly different than the rest our series of templates to help readers plan and manage communications and content management activities, resources and deliverables. It is one that we hope will help you find the perfect job, where you can use the other templates in our library. We welcome ideas and suggestions for other TechWhirl Templates Library materials.

template-libraryThe process for applying for jobs is time consuming and stressful, particularly as the timeframe from your last gainful employment stretches out. A job search tracker helps you manage the process of creating and/or modifying your career information, applying for jobs and sending information to potential recruiters and hiring managers, and following up on open positions. Staying organized can help reduce the stress, and prevent careless errors that could cost you an opportunity.This job search tracker template includes suggested tracking areas for company names, job titles, potential pay rates, job locations, travel requirements, and more.


The job application tracker is an easily customizable Word template that aids in the job application process by tracking all of the efforts you put into creating materials, completing applications, scheduling interviews, and collecting information about your work experience in one common place. With an organized central location for this information, you can avoid the possibility of duplicate submissions, and easily update information required by government agencies when filing unemployment claims.


An average recruiter spends about six seconds looking at a resume before deciding whether it goes on to someone with hiring power or into the toss pile. An organized, consistent process for managing the job application process helps you avoid errors in your resume, and focus the information in your cover letter by tracking the versions you’re sending. And you can manage your follow-up activities so you don’t miss any opportunities to keep yourself in front of the hiring manager.

Using the Template

  1. Download the Job Search Tracker template.
  2. Review the layout of the job application tables to see the categories that are listed.
  3. Review the descriptions of the categories to determine whether the information is crucial to how you conduct your job search.
  4. Add or remove columns to fit your own information tracking purposes.
  5. Add rows to include each of your current applications.
  6. Review the job experience section and add any details you want to track here instead of just within your resume.
  7. Create other sections as you see fit.
  8. Update the information as needed when you complete a new task.

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