Tech Writer This Week for April 25, 2013

Editor’s Note: For readers who want to enjoy Tech Writer This Week via RSS without all the formatting issues, we’ve made it a bit easier by posting the introductory content here, and a link to the Storify curated content.

Tech Writer This Week for April 25, 2013
Problem solving, programming, writing, testing, strategy, marketing, and programming of a different sort–We round up all of it on Tech Writer This Week. I write content every day in my job as a technical writer. Making technical content sound interesting isn’t easy, but Bill Kerschbaum is here to help, offering seven tips to help make instructions and procedures more readable in our Technical Communication section. Jennie Ruby ( follows up with a step-by-step approach to making sure the list you’re building helps your users instead of hindering them. And Tom Johnson wonders how a technical writer can develop an appreciation for programming code. Tom should have asked me. I started out as a programmer, then transitioned into being a technical writer. When you’re writing code, you’re solving problems of one sort. When you’re writing documentation, you’re solving problems of a different sort.

We venture into testing this week in User Experience. Jeff Sauro ( offers seven tips for writing usability task scenarios. Steve Tengler ( shares five user experience lessons from Jim Carrey (yes, that Jim Carrey).

Mary Gail Pezzimenti knows a thing or two, or six, about Content Strategy.  She shares them and some advice from her publishing blog at After you have decided on a Content Strategy, Jennifer Good ( is here to share the best apps for content curation. Strange how Storify didn’t make the grade. And Genia Stevens ( follows up with her three picks for great curation tools.

In Career and Life, Mike Allton ( tells us about LinkedIn’s new mobile app. Download it now if you haven’t yet. Writing Assistance, Inc. ( shares tip on how to streamline your writing process by saying the one big thing you have one your mind. And it had to happen. Reality TV meets tech comm on AMC with a new show Owner’s Manual–nothing in the post indicates that it’s a spin-off from Breaking Bad or The Walking Dead, but you never know….

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