For the …
A lot of records have fallen this week including temperatures, snow fall accumulations and the amount of time stuck in your vehicle when a light snow hits the south, but no record is more important for us at TechWhirl than our current visitor numbers. To celebrate, we’re doing a little happy dance, putting on our favorite long-play album and jamming to some of the best technical communications and customer experience articles on the web.
In general, it was a great week for both Tech Comm and CXM. In fact, we had to prune out quite a few that were really good, but not great, so the piece wasn’t too long. Don’t worry! We’re certain there’s some slow points coming up and we’ll bring back some of those articles for your reading pleasure.
Enjoy the hiss on a few of this week’s entries:
- You have around 30s to win a customer
- How do you document a sound?
- Strange bedfellows: InDesign and DITA
Always in stereo and never in mono, it’s Tech Writer This Week.