Are you procrastinating about making your 2014 resolutions? I am. I think one of them will be to stop procrastinating, but we’ll have to see about that.
Seriously, the impending (or already arrived, depending on where you are) New Year is one of the best times to consider your professional goals, and make some keepable resolutions to achieve them. There’s so much happening in the world of content and communication, it’s easy to get sidetracked, so making a few SMART (Specific – Measurable – Attainable – Relevant – Time-bound) resolutions is worth considering.
As you settle on a few resolutions, think about what’s most important to you. For example, resolving to exercise more not only fails the SMART test, but it also doesn’t take into account all the other factors in your life. What kind of exercise works best for you (from a health and a motivational perspective), how often can you do it, and what constitutes success?
On the professional front, what’s most important is absolutely critical. What areas do you need to improve on, and what areas motivate you? Do you want to be the best in a particular discipline, or do you want to explore a completely new area? Your resolutions might also need to factor in what would benefit your employer or clients, what’s attainable from a budget perspective, and how you can gain some buy-in and support from the boss and coworkers. How do you want to improve the content your organization produces in 2014?
Whether you start with a few simple resolutions, or choose to go (pardon the cliche) “outside of the box,” focus on resolving to develop professionally, personally, and even organizationally. This poll question gives you some ideas to get going, and by all means, post a comment that fills in the blanks and tells us what you’re committing to in 2014.
Best wishes for a healthy, happy, successful, and satisfying New Year.