WebWorks Releases ePublisher 2011.3

WebWorks announces the release of its  ePublisher 2011.3  platform, with several enhancements  and new features to support improved production of webhelp and other technical communications content.   Overall, the new version of the platform provides improved Table of Contents (TOC) handling from Microsoft Word and Adobe FrameMaker, as well using DITA map structures, and optimizing color palettes for low-color images.

The latest version includes advances to its WebWorks Reverb webhelp:

  • Preview capability in both ePublisher Pro and Express via  a “mini web server” rather than a web server.
  • Two alternate search options (in addition to Google Search) that permit searchable help systems to be deployed behind a firewall or on a private network.

The new version extends support for DITA, such as improved application of map-level metadata, changes to styles and index handling, and raster rendering of SVG files. FrameMaker support improvements include preserving page rounding during PDF rendering, and detection of cell row and column spans. ePublisher 2011.3 also includes improved support for Microsoft .docx with a new processing path for Word 2007/2010 files, optimization and performance improvements.

Visit the website, and review the details of the 2011.3  release.

TechWhirl Tech Writer Recap for January 6, 2012 | Tech Writer Today Magazine by TechWhirl

13 years ago

[…] WebWorks Releases ePublisher 2011.3  […]

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