ProtoShare 6 Release Appeals to Technical Communicators with Enhanced Collaboration

Site9, Inc.  has released ProtoShare 6, the latest version of its collaborative prototyping software, with a significantly enhanced collaboration engine.  Technical communicators with roles in the design process or project communications may be interested in ProtoShare 6,  a web-based, collaborative wireframing and prototyping tool that uses HTML, CSS, and Javascript.  The enhancements to collaboration include new workflows, assignment, and decision tracking features.

ProtoShare 6 incorporates collaboration features that allow team members to  tag design elements, assign topic ownership, document decisions, and track project status within a discussion thread.  The tool also has an inbox-like interface to filter and view discussion threads. The dashboard provides “at a glance” displays of active discussions and the status of decisions.

Improvements to the Editor, where users can perform wireframing and prototyping, include drag and drop functionality for images and URLs, useful for eliciting feedback on designs, referencing outside sources, and to track progress against requirements

Andrew Mottaz, founder, president and CTO of Site9/ProtoShare notes, “Getting it done on time, on budget and with the fewest possible headaches requires clear communication and effective decision-making. We’ve designed ProtoShare 6 to support that process through the entire idea-to-design lifecycle.” ProtoShare was recognized in 2009 by O’Reilly Media as a “Top 50 Usable RIA.” Read the press release or visit the ProtoShare website.


TechWhirl: Technical Communications Recap for Jan. 13, 2012 | Tech Writer Today Magazine by TechWhirl

13 years ago

[…] ProtoShare 6 Release Appeals to Technical Communicators with Enhanced Collaboration […]

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