Author-it Software Corporation Launches Author-it CloudTech Writer Today Magazine | single sourcing / Author-it / enterprise content authoring | TechWhirl Tech Comm NewsMORE
Are People Just Dumb? An Interview with Andrea AmesBusiness Leader Interviews | Leadership Perspectives | Jacquie SamuelsMORE
What I Really Want for ChristmasAll I want for Christmas | iPad / focus / Santa / technical writer | Greg LarsonMORE
Cloudwords and MindTouch Offer Integrated Translation and Content PublishingTech Writer Today Magazine | documentation / Cloudwords / translation management / help | TechWhirl Tech Comm NewsMORE
Letter to St.NickAll I want for Christmas | technical writer / Santa / smart content management / spell checker / St. Nick | Fraser HannahMORE
Dear Santa, My Christmas WishAll I want for Christmas | technical writing / documentation / Santa / video games / user guide | Ryan MinakerMORE
Book Review: Learning Author-it Version 5TechWhirl Reviews | content reuse / online help / technical writing / Author-it / help documents / Char James-Tanny / Book Reviews | Chris GoolsbyMORE
STC Extends Charter Period for CPTCTech Writer Today Magazine | STC / certification | TechWhirl Tech Comm NewsMORE
TechWhirl Tech Writer Recap for December 9 2011Comms and Content Round-Ups | math / Santa / Tech Writer This Week / monkeys | TechWhirlMORE