TechWhirl: Technical Communication Recap for November 16, 2012Comms and Content Round-Ups | LavaCon Conference / Helping Society and Tech Comm / TechWhirl Weekly Recap | Connie GiordanoMORE
Tech Writer This Week for November 15, 2012Tech Writer Today Magazine | Tech Writer This Week | Craig CardimonMORE
Technical Communication Poll: Benefits of VolunteeringTechWhirl Poll Questions | volunteerism / Helping Society and Tech Comm | TechWhirlMORE
Working With DITA: The Perspective from LavaConDarwin Information Typing Architecture | LavaCon Conference / Darwin Information Typing Architecture | Lois R PattersonMORE
Book Review: Content Strategy 101 by Sarah O’Keefe and Alan PringleContent Strategy and Planning | crowdsourcing | Jacquie SamuelsMORE
Technical Communication Job Summary November 10, 2012Tech Writer Today Magazine | technical writer / job search / Instructional Designer / content specialist | Alissa BookerMORE
TechWhirl: Technical Communication Recap for November 9, 2012Comms and Content Round-Ups | TechWhirl Weekly Recap / technical content / freelancing / volunteerism / rethinking content | Connie GiordanoMORE
Tech Writer This Week for November 8, 2012Tech Writer Today Magazine | Tech Writer This Week | Craig CardimonMORE
Freelancing: Are You Ready to Make the Leap? Part 2Career Center | recommendations / portfolio / statement of work / market rate / work life balance | Jacquie SamuelsMORE